Article 50 TEU Reborn?
A Review of Benjamin Martill and Uta Staiger (eds.), Brexit and Beyond: Rethinking the Futures of Europe, UCL Press, 2018. 293 pp. £35...
Data Privacy, Inquiry Decisions, and the Lurking Threat of Judicial Review
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force across all member states within the European Union on...
Unacknowledged Authors of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement
As has been widely reported, the European Council agreed the UK government’s request for an extension of the date set for it to leave the...
A Note on the High Court’s “Right to Rent” Decision
The proposition that racism is injurious to both victims and perpetrators rests at the heart of the recent decision of the UK High Court...
Do you want to know a secret?
It is estimated that in the ten year period between 1974 and 1984 5,000 private individuals were identified by name in intelligence...
Inflating the BAME Attainment Gap? A Response to the Consultation Report on Degree Grade Inflation
On 8 February 2019 (in less than two weeks), the period for universities to respond to the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment’s...
Brexit and the MP's Legal Dilemma
Yesterday, Advocate General Campos Sanchez-Bordona (AG) delivered his Opinion in Case C621/18 Wightman and others v Secretary of State...
Suspension or Withdrawal? The UK’s Orderly Exit from the European Union
One could be forgiven for thinking that the draft agreement on the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union is the product of an...
Access, Attainment and the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE)
The past academic year has seen a number of publications designed to expose the problem of race inequality in Britain’s higher education...
What's in a (Real) Name?
Is knowledge of an individual’s real name more or less valuable than knowledge of the efforts exerted in an attempt to conceal it? This...